Target USA CUP


Target USA CUP is played at the National Sports Center in Blaine, Minnesota. It is located 20 minutes north of Minneapolis and St. Paul. The tournament was started in 1985 by the Sons of Norway, a fraternal benefit organization.

Bringing the World Together

Play teams
from all over
the world

Target USA CUP brings the world together through soccer by inviting teams, officials and people from all over. This tournament is about the experience, competition and diversity. Come to the National Sports Center and experience Target USA CUP!

Total Teams

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers you need about Target USA CUP!

Yes, Target USA CUP attracts a wide range of college coaches from many different divisions, mostly regional to the Midwest. College coaches are attracted to the international aspect of the event as this is the only time they will see those teams play.

Nope- there are no additional costs to attend the games.

The player fee helps cover the costs of all the additional amenities that make Target USA CUP stand out from other events including Opening Ceremonies, Player and Coach gifts, athlete parties, transportation, and more.

Yes, Target USA CUP is a stay-and-play event. However, we are partnered with over 70 hotels in the area ranging from $100-$200/night.

Target USA CUP Sponsors

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